Education The A.E.C.D is a non- profit association authorized by the ministerial order no 530/865/ of 19/06/2003.


The Association for Education, Concord and Development is a non- profit association authorized by the ministerial order no 530/865/ of 19/06/2003.
It is composed by people who are targeted to realize its missions. Technicians as well as consultants help in carrying out its activities.
Its creation was motivated by the increasing concern for our attempt to help the government in some domains such as education, social psycho-affective health in order to contribute in development of the country in general and rural areas in particular.
The society is facing with:
-          Insufficient of school infrastructures;
-          Lack of school materials
-          Increasing number of school abandon in rural areas;
-          Increasing number of street children;
-          Increasing of non desirable pregnancies in schools;
-          Bad living conditions in rural areas;
-          rural exodus increase;
-          Employment of children under 18 years old.
In the education domain, the Association for Education, the concord and the Development, AECD-Burundi, with the help of other organizations whose target is to improve education and health managed to build a Primary School and its Dispensary. The Association has also provided a library with 5.000 books either useful for teachers or pupils of all levels (primary and secondary school).

The AECD-Burundi organises seminars and conferences for young people, parents, associations and responsibles whose goals target the education sector. The association insists on rights and duties of the stakeholders of the education sector. The association organizes also seminars for peace senstisation.
-          Organise workshops and strengthen the capacity of  youth so as to stand by their own;
-          Assist vulnerable people (orphans);
-          Social and school integration of street children;
-          Senstise rural families in terms of promotion and defense of the rigths of children;
-          Support the government in community development matters: drinking water supply, building of social and economic infrastructures …
-          Sensitise the society in terms of  the central role played by education in the development of the whole country;
-          Support centers of adults informal learning so as to stand by their own;
-          Care taking of education and non-exploitation of children;
-          Medical equipement of  the infirmary school;
-          Electrification of the school infirmary and the  library
-          Training and supervision of young students in vacation through conferences