About AECD-Burundi


The A.E.C.D is a non- profit association authorized by the ministerial order n530/865/ of 19/06/2003.

Its members are composed of people who are targeted by the missions of the association, technicians as well as consultants who look after the target population in carrying out its activities.

Its birth was motivated by the increasing concern for our attempt to put end to social psycho-affective and economic obstacles which hinders sustainable development of our country in general and rural areas in particular. Those obstacles include :


  • deterioration in living conditions of country people ;
  • Persistence of post-conflict multi-violence;
  • Increasing number of students who drop out of school in rural areas;
  • lower living standard in rural areas;
  • rural depopulation increase;
  • increasing number of street children;
  • employment of children under 18 years old.



  • Encourage and assist self-development initiatives of peasant families groupped in associations so as to help them get out of poverty;
  • Help the government in community development matters :drinkable water supply;
  • socio-economic infrastructure construction,…;
  • Participate in accommodation of people so that living conditions and welfare of vulnerable families can be improved;
  • Assist vulnerable people (orphans and widows,…);
  • Organize workshops and capacity strengthening for young people;
  • Sensitize peasant families in terms of promotion and defense of the ligths of children in taking care of their education and non-exploitation;
  • Look after self-development units;
  • Social integration of former fighters (adults and children).


We wish that sustainable development-source of peace-be based on genuine pillars which cane enable a reliable and harmonious take off in all social components.



  • Vulgarization of better seed of basic crops in Rutovu Commune;
  • Grinding services.
  • Supply a library
  • Construction of an infirmary for which we are looking for equipments and staff
  • Extension - seed cultivation base of good quality common Rutovu ;
  • Service - molding ;
  • Supervision of young


  • Electrification of the school infirmary and library with a transformer already received
  • Training and education of young students on vacation in conferences
  • Three classrooms construction and rehabilitation


  • The incomes of the association are provided by :
  • The activities of the association;
  • Contibutions of its members;
  • Donations and heirs from financial backers and symphizers.


  • Construction of ware house for irish potatoes;
  • Drinking water supply for about 800 homes;
  • Rehabilitation of school toilets in bad state;
  • Material assistance to HIV orphans students and others;
  • School construction;

Extension and intensification of farming activities.